Survey Tools
Fast, affordable, relevant data with minimal hassle.
20 Questions for Consumers
If you could ask consumers 20 questions, what would they be?
Growing a business without knowing your consumers is very hard. Fortunately, surveying your consumers is easy.
This survey tool allows you to ask consumers 20 questions of your choice about their attitudes - and 15 additional questions to learn what behaviors they engage in. We'll send your questions to 1000 U.S. adults and within 4 business days, you'll get data on what consumers said. You can use this data to inform product roadmap, or inform strategy generally.
$4500 for 1000 U.S. adults
Price goes up for more targeted sample.
Price goes up for consulting support.
Thought Leadership
It's not always easy for thought leaders to get press attention. The odds of attention increase with original data.
This survey tool will help thought leaders get an edge in the competitive media landscape. Just come up with up to 20 statements that 1000 U.S. adults can agree or disagree with and 15 behaviors consumers can say they do or don't do. Within 4 business days, you'll get data that tells you how people answered, and you'll get a consult with a thought leadership expert. You can use this data in press releases, on social media, or even in sales playbooks. ​
$4500 for 1000 U.S. adults
Price goes up for more targeted sample.
Price goes up for consulting support.
Right to Win Measurement
If you're launching or growing a national B2C business, but you don't know what proportion of U.S. consumers would buy your offering, this tool will tell you.
Just provide descriptions of up to three products, services, or idea concepts, written clearly and without marketing language. We will then ask 1000 U.S. adults whether your offering is appealing, relevant, and worth buying - and we'll give you their answers within 4 business days. You'll also get a consult with a thought leadership expert. You can use this data in forecasting as well as in pitches to investors.
$4500 for 1000 U.S. adults
Price goes up for more targeted sample.
Price goes up for consulting support.
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